Many NGOS are active in extremely critical areas for the social welfare and cohesion; they fight for human rights, civil society, and the protection of the environment, human health and welfare. Despite the excellent work they do, however, many organizations of this kind remain unknown to the general public, with the result that it is very difficult for them to serve their work in terms of both revenue and due to a lack of active participation of our fellow human beings.
If you are NGOS’ representative the use of GIVE&FUND’s platform gives you the opportunity to grow quickly and simply a wide network of supporters, from which you can gather funding and voluntary participation. Also, the publicity and the report of your work to a large number of visitors of the platform allow you to communicate and promote your work with the best way.
If you want individually to support the work of NGOS or any charitable organization, you can open a page on GIVE&FUND’s platform and find other supporters for the NGOS purposes. It should be noted that in this case, the money collected goes directly to the Agency and its legal representatives and not to private accounts of the people who opened the page.
See below the basic subcategories of NGO projects and start creating your own page!
Stop the degradation of the environment and build a future where humans live in harmony with nature.
Let’s re-build Nepal together. An amazing project with a great scope. Let’s make people aware of it!