Namaste means: 'My Soul meets your Soul'.
We are: Monica Potsou, Marianna Konstanta, Eloiza Savvidou and Annita Georgiou.
Beginning of March (1st to 12th), we will be visiting together with around 25 more volunteers from Greece and Cyprus Nepal (and more specifically the small village of Takure) to help local people rebuild their houses that have been destroyed by the 2015 earthquake.
This will be for all of us our first time in Nepal.
We are so excited about this trip and more excited about the scope of it.
The scope:
Nepal needs us!
The deadly earthquake (magnitude 7.8) of the 25th of April 2015 (also called Gorkha earthquake) destroyed the 240 houses in the village of Takure in Sindupalchuk. About 9,000 people were killed, many thousands more were injured and more than 600,000 structures and houses were either damaged or destroyed in the whole Nepal.
In January 2016, Greek volunteers in co-operation with Conscious Impact ( built a greenhouse that helps the local community through coffee and avocados to make money for house rebuilding.
Conscious impact works to support the rural village of Takure through sustainable rebuilding solutions, agriculture and improved education. It builds houses with natural materials, earthquake safe and environmentally friendly bricks that are cheaper and stronger than regular bricks that are produced in the capital city and pollute the atmosphere.
In April 2017, 37 volunteers from Greece and Cyprus met again in Takure to help rebuild the orphanage and a house with the earthbags method.
The destruction is so big that it will definitely take several years to rebuild all houses from scratch.
The government of Nepal has announced in January of 2018 that families that want to receive the $3,000 state allowance for the reconstruction of their homes will have to rebuild their homes strictly by June 2018! This means that the help must come immediately.
It is important to mention that the bricks that Conscious Impact uses are called CSEB (Compressed Stabilized Earth Blocks) and cost about 0.12 cents each. It is estimated that a house needs approximately 3,750 bricks, a total cost of about $450 per house.
The scope of our March 2018 trip is to rebuild 20 houses in the village of Takure.
How your donation will help practically?
'Be the change you want to see in the world', as Mahatma Ghandi wisely said.
By donating, you will be part of this chain and help build new lives in people who have been pain tested from earthquake. Memories are still fresh and the disasters still apparent.
Conscious Impact work and project is funded almost entirely by the fundraising efforts of the volunteers.
You can actively contribute to the implementation of this project as well and be part of the reconstruction of the 20 houses in the Takure village and more specifically, contribute towards the building materials.
You can find more information about Nepal mission and our trip here:
More information on the action of Conscious Impact can be found here:
Previous experience - Nepal documentary:
Thank you for reading, sharing and caring!
Monica, Marianna, Eloiza, Annita
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